How to use HTML

This is a basic introduction to the HTML programming language.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

Think of it as a hamburger:

But no mayonaise because that is the worst thing to possibly put on a burger ( I think ).

Anyway, HTML makes up every website on the Internet.

To start a website, you need a <!DOCTYPE html> tag, an <html>, and a <head> tag.

Think of the <html> tag as the wrapper on your burger.

Every website has a <head> tag.

Nothing in these tags can be seen on the webpage.

There is a <title> tag in the <head> tag.

This is what you see in your browser tab.

Think of the <title> tag as the top bun of your hamburger.

After that, you need a <body> tag.

Think of everything inside as the meat of the burger.

Then, there is the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file.

This is my CSS file for this page: <link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">

CSS sets the color, font, text decoration, link decoration, and background color or image of your website.

Think of the CSS file as the seasoning on your hamburger.

Next, there are headings.

Type <h1> for this heading

Type <h2> for this heading

Type <h3> for this heading

Type <h4> for this heading

Type <h5> for this heading
Type <h6> for this heading

You can have multiple headings of the same size on one webpage.

Think of the heading as the mustard on your hamburger.

After headings, there are paragraphs.

Type <p> for a paragraph.

Think of paragraphs as the ketchup of your hamburger.

Then there are images.

You can make an image by typing <img src="image.file-type">.

Think of the images as the cheese on your hamburger.

Special Effects

Think of all these as the sesame seeds on your hamburger.

This is how to use marquee text on your website: <marquee>

This is what marquee text looks like

You can also make marquee images.

You just have to put the <marquee> tags around the <img src="image.file-type">.

Text alignment

Next, you can align text where you want it to be.

You can center text by using <center> or <p align="center">.

Same with right and left-aligned text, but you can only use <p align="right"> or <p align="left">.

This is left-aligned text

This is centered text

This is right-aligned text

Text Styles

Bold text is made with the <b> or <strong> tags.

Italic text is made with the <i> or <em> tags.

Underlined text is made with the <u> or <underline> tags.

Subscript text is made with the <sub> tag.

Superscript text is made with the <sup> tag.

Typewriter text is made with the <tt> tag.

Strikethrough text is made with the <strike> tag.

Highlighted text is made with the <span style="background-color: #ABC123" blah blah blah.>